Would you rather surprise your loved one with a StoryAlbum?

Maybe your Dad is turning 80, and you want to surprise him with a StoryAlbum filled with his family and friends recalling their favourite memories with him. Has he had a best friend since childhood? Does he have siblings with years' worth of embarrassing, but loving material stored away? Combine these personal anecdotes with their corresponding photos from that time, and surprise your loved one with a StoryAlbum of memories handpicked by the people they love the most.   

Write My Life Journey | Write My Memory Book | Save Family Photos | Heirloom Keepsake Books | Rooted StoryAlbums
My Life Journey | Memory Books For Grandparents | Save Your Family Photos | Heirloom Keepsake Albums | Rooted StoryAlbums

Gathering the Information

To begin, compile a list of who you'd like to include in the surprise StoryAlbum. Provide their email addresses and I will send a brief questionnaire asking them about some of their favourite memories with the StoryAlbum honouree. These questionnaires help to warm up people’s minds so memories can flow, which makes recalling stories from years before much easier. 

If some of your family and friends feel comfortable with writing, then I will act as their editor. However, since there are many people who either aren't comfortable with writing, or just don't have that kind of time, we will then set up one Skype or phone call where I will interview them and record their answers. Depending on the depth of the story, the interviews will typically be under 30 minutes long. If there are some participants who have a joint memory of the honouree, then they can share a joint story together. 

Heirloom Book for Grandparents | Family Keepsake Gifts | Custom Heirloom Books | Personalized Keepsake Gifts | Rooted StoryAlbums

Turning Your Memories into a Story & Designing Your StoryAlbum

After each interview, I will transcribe them into notes and then turn them into short memory stories. During this time, I will also collect the photos you have sent over to me (via Dropbox or a USB), intersperse them with their corresponding stories throughout the book.

Based on your colour/style preferences, I will design a custom StoryAlbum cover as well as the chapter title pages. I will also create a custom layout for your photos and text.

Heirloom Gifts for Grandparents | Family Keepsake Gifts | Custom Heirloom Albums | Personalized Keepsake Presents | Rooted StoryAlbums


Number of interviewees: Up to 15 participants

Interview Time: 30 min or under

Words: Length is unique to each StoryAlbum

(Client provided): Photos-number varies depending on the StoryAlbum

Time period to create StoryAlbum: Depends on the length

Number of revisions: Each interviewee gets one look at their story once it's written (additional revisions cost $50 per hour)

Heirloom Gifts for Grandparents | Family Keepsake Gifts | Custom Heirloom Albums | Personalized Keepsake Presents | Rooted StoryAlbums


Investing in a StoryAlbum is a gift for the whole family, as all of your families’ special memories and photos are preserved in one place. You will even rediscover memories and stories you’d forgotten, and read about new ones you'd never heard of before. Since a StoryAlbum is a multi-generational gift, most clients prefer to invest in a book as a group, split up evenly between siblings, cousins or kids.

Each StoryAlbum's price is as unique as the memories that fill their pages. Your StoryAlbum is custom-written for you and your family, so the price will depend on the package you choose and the length of the StoryAlbum.


Ready to learn more?

Introduce yourself over on the contact form to get started!

Family Memories Together | Preserve Childhood | Saving Memories | Making Memories | Custom Family Christmas Gifts | Rooted StoryAlbums